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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sinks & Faucets

The type of sink and faucet you plan to use in your kitchen, should be something that suits your purpose best. Remember, your kitchen is meant to reflect your lifestyle, planned around your day-to-day activities; your sink and faucet should also be a reflection of these. The size, material and number of sink and faucet you have in your kitchen should be determined by how you prep your food, and how often you do your dishes. 
The factors discussed in the planning process and the kitchen cabinets help in determining the size and number of your sink and faucet. 

It is important to note that for hygiene sake, people with space and the means, have two sinks and faucets in their kitchen. This is so because; they do dishes in one, and use the other for food prepping. 

The material you settle for is about personal preferences; your style as well as budget, because some sinks based on the materials used can be very pricey. The different types of materials used for sinks include but not limited to the followings:
  1. Stainless steel – as the name suggests, its made of stainless steel;
  2. Solid surfaces - artificial material and available in different colours;
  3. Fiberglass – artificial material and available in different colours;
  4. Granite – has natural feel and texture;
  5. Quartz – has natural feel and texture;
  6. Cast-iron – made of cast iron, but not very common;
  7. Apron front – made of ceramic, deep bowl with exposed frontal part.

For your faucet, you will have to look out for what suit you the most. You should consider your budget, the sink type, as well as the appliances in the kitchen. They come in various types, from the goose neck mixer taps, short projecting mixer tap to the straight high mixer taps with hand spray. Aside their major role, they mostly add to the aesthetic beauty of the kitchen…be sure you love what you choose.

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